a chubby swallow
with a brief pause -
early spring, 'nesting' season ...
thanks to all the great photographers
over the many years i've been with fotocommunity -
for the support of my ordinary images!
while i'll continue to browse the the fantastic images,
i no longer believe my pictures belong here
so there's little chance i'll log in ...
Vitória Castelo Santos 01/08/2024 17:34
ann mari cris aschieri 31/07/2024 20:33
Je l'aime... il est vraiment très chic.JOKIST 27/07/2024 21:42
Ein sehr gutes Bildmotiv und auch toll von dir fotografiert.Ingrid und Hans
Charly08 27/07/2024 16:32
Wunderschön.LG Gudrun
AnBes 27/07/2024 14:07
WOW! Very, very nice bird and pic. Grüßle AnBesMira Culix 27/07/2024 11:55
cutePeter Schillmeier 27/07/2024 11:37
Schöne AufnahmeLG Peter
freespirit4 27/07/2024 11:34
Such a sweety ... in shimmering green. Never saw such one. A great pic...LG Konni