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Ralf Zeeh 18/04/2014 15:13
Ein frohes OsterfestHappy Easter
Feliz Pascua
Buona Pasqua
Joyeuses Pâques
Liebe Grüsse Ralf
Ralf Zeeh 22/12/2012 19:34
Frohe und besinnliche Weihnachten.Ralf
Frohe Weihnachten
Ralf ZeehRalf Zeeh 21/12/2011 19:10
Frohe Weihnachten und wunderbare 2012Frohe Weihnachten und wunderbare 2012
Ralf ZeehRalf Zeeh 21/04/2011 19:21
Frohe OsternHappy Easter
Buona Pasqua
Feliz Semana Santa
Joyeuses Pâques
Ciao Ralf
Moments No.18
Ralf ZeehRalf Zeeh 17/12/2009 19:08
Ein frohes und gemütliches Weihnachtsfest.Liebe Grüsse Ralf
Frohe Weihnachten
Ralf ZeehRalf Zeeh 12/11/2009 22:15
Thank you for your nice greetings.Best regards, Ralf
No. 12
Ralf ZeehKadriye AYDIN 17/10/2009 13:41
Thank you very much Jerzy,regards...KadriyeBROOMS-TISSUE
Kadriye AYDINFabian Seebauer 06/10/2009 23:25
thx for your comment! I'm glad you liked it!Best Regards,
Andrew Le Busque(vizard photography..) 10/08/2009 0:21
Thanks so much for the comment Jerzy. Much appreciated.Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream
Andrew Le Busque(vizard photography..)Thanks
Perry Blevins 20/07/2008 21:36
Thank you for your kind comments on my photo and glad you liked it.Regards,
Perry Blevins 28/12/2007 19:04
Thank you Jerzy for your kind comment onAutumn still in sight
Perry BlevinsRegards, Perry
Francesco Margarita 04/12/2007 10:24
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
Francesco MargaritaMarry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
francesco margarita
Jacqueline Chay 26/06/2007 2:52
Hi Jerzy, Thank you very much for visiting my pictures and for your very nice comments No i am not a professional photographer, i have learnt very much from the people on this site and do my best.Regards from Australia
Susie Q 26/06/2007 0:48
Delighted you like this, Jerzy - thank you for viewing and commenting ...Edge of The Bay #5
Susie QSusie :o)
Francesco Margarita 16/06/2007 21:26
Una cartolina da Napoli per te.
Grazie per la gratita visita e per i
tuoi ottimi commenti.
Un saluto dall'Italia Francesco