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FlashSpark FlashSpark Post 1 of 3
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My first time diving into photography forums as more than just an anonymous browser.

I have been a professional photographer for just over 3 years now, though I have been an avid hobbyist for years. I started out working with aspiring models on their portfolios and then broke into the fashion scene with a couple of charity fashion shows. Once I had established a presentable portfolio I moved to a resort to work on sight as a portrait photographer for families as well as diving into some landscape work.

Over the last year and a half I have dived into wedding photography where I found my true calling. I'm always studying, photographing, and pushing the limits to improve my skills and expertise... and a new angle of photography that I had little experience with before: business.

I shoot various Canon bodies and lenses, prefer natural light shooting (though I am experimenting with studio and off camera more and more), and my other hobbies include snowboarding, reading, movies, cooking and cards.

So... hello everyone! I hope to make some friends and learn a lot while I am here.
patindaytona patindaytona Post 2 of 3
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Hi Flashspark,
I just joined this site myself, though I was on it about 6 years ago and just forgot about it till lately again.
Nice to meet you. I have been doing photography all my life. Am just starting to really get serious with using off camera flash units. Would like to talk about people photography with you if you like. Hope you can check my gallery.
Anila Jain Anila Jain Post 3 of 3
0 x Thank You
Hello Flashspark, Its really nice to meet you here. I hope you love to stay here in this community.
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