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Now they decorate...

Now they decorate...

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Now they decorate...

Thessaloniki, capital of the region Macedonia, North Greece.
The Byzantine wall

Thessaloniki is an old and historic city. It was founded by Casandros in 315 BC, who married Alexander's sister Thessaloniki and became king after his death.He also built the first wall that was entirely destroyed in subsequent centuries. During the Byzantine era, the city reached a climax in culture and wealth being the second city of the empire after Constantinople and continued as that also during the long period of Ottoman occupation. Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Great , in early 14th century, fortified again with strong walls the city and the major part of those walls still remain today, of course not to protect any more but, reminiscent of a glorious past, only to decorate and narrate beautiful stories of seiges and fierce battles...
In the photo, part of the North walls with the Trigonion Tower and the begining of the East part of the wall at the end of the pavement. At the far end a glimpse of the eastern extention of the city outside the walls.

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Camera Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 8000 ED
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Gallery (Subjects)
10/06/2015 64 Pro / 37 Contra