Great source for quick gigs.

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aaronflashstock aaronflashstock Post 1 of 2
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Hey fotocommunity!

I'm Aaron, a photographer from Toronto who specializes in lifestyle photography.

I work as a content coordinator at the visual content vendor Flashstock Inc. We create custom imagery for big name brands to use on social by utilizing a global network of photographers. It's a great way for amateur photographers to find quick, low-production, and paid creative gigs around the globe. We're always looking for people in new places, so feel free to check us out at . ) (Hope its okay to link stuff like this.)

Looking forward to chatting with you all. :)
culturecitizens culturecitizens Post 2 of 2
1 x Thank You
If you ever come my way (g-town but still plan tourism) depend on had a model by FC and get link in my gallery !!! Its shooting fotos everytime and i like place in other fotos of artist permanently !
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