Freelancers hotel photos

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Conefe Conefe Post 1 of 3
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My name is Carlos. I work for HolidayCheck, one of the biggest european travel platforms in Europe.
I am looking for photographers in Europe that should take photos of some hotels in the biggest european capital cities. They're 30 hotels per city. The photos should be in Full HD and optimized for the web. The motives should be the common zones of the hotel, the restaurants, the rooms, etc.

We can pay up to 150€ for hotel, around 20 pictures.

The cities are: London, Paris, Istanbul, Rome, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Prague, Moscow, Dublin, Vienna, Madrid, Kiev, Berlin, Budapest, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Brussels, Bucharest and Munich

Is anybody of you interested?

If so, please send me an email:

Del-Hor Del-Hor Post 2 of 3
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Hello there!
And Lisbon?
Jodi Lynnhjy Jodi Lynnhjy Post 3 of 3
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Freelance work can be one way to make money fast, and if you have ... These photos can range from the ultra-artsy to scientific or natural science photos. ... décor in the hotel and supporting the artist's work on the other side.

Jodi Lynnhjy
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