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Raymond Mckay Raymond Mckay Post 1 of 4
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could somebody please give me some titles of good books that i can rea as a begginer
or some websites i need to learn more and figure more out about cameras and setting before i decide to upgrade
Martin Unger Martin Unger Post 2 of 4
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There are thousands of books about photography, which one is useful for you you must decides yourself. Have a look at them in several bookstores and see if there's one you like. "National Geographic" has a series of books about photography, so have a look at their homepage.
Otherwise there are loads of books presenting photographies of the "big" photographers, they can give a lot inspiration. Also there, have a look at them in your local bookstores.
When looking for informations about cameras etc try this one:
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 3 of 4
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As Martin said there is so much written about this subject that it is very difficult to say which book to take.
My advise is to try and get yourselve a beginners book on the basics of photography, there's a lot of these kind of books around and it is important when staring in this to learn the basics.
Raymond Mckay Raymond Mckay Post 4 of 4
0 x Thank You
thank you uys for the comments
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