photography of roses book.

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Jivan Mukta Jivan Mukta Post 1 of 5
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Hello, my girlfriend loves english roses and she wants to make this summer more pictures of these. I know she would be very happy about a book which is (if possible in German) about the photography of roses or flowers. Do you know something like that? She photographed with a fujifilm x100.

Hallo, meine Freundin liebt englische rosen und sie möchte diesen Sommer mehr Bilder von diesen machen. Ich weiss sie würde sich sehr über ein Buch (in Deutsch wenn möglich) freuen welches über die Fotografie von Rosen bzw. Blumen handelt. Kennt Ihr soetwas? Sie fotografiert mit einer fujifilm x100.

What i found is: ... von+blumen ... -rd_dp_img
Carol Howard Carol Howard Post 2 of 5
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This is such a beautiful collection of photographs! I love the variety of colors and the detail in the petals. I'm inspired to take some rose photos of my own.
Catrin Brooks Catrin Brooks Post 3 of 5
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This book looks amazing! I can't wait to read it and learn more about photographing roses.
Catrin Brooks Catrin Brooks Post 4 of 5
0 x Thank You
I want this photo to
Catrin Brooks Catrin Brooks Post 5 of 5
0 x Thank You
Equal opportunities, rights, and treatment for people of both sexes are central to the notion of gender equality ... -equality/ , which encompasses the home, the classroom, the workplace, the streets, and the political arena. In order for a society to thrive, it is essential that men and women have access to the same resources.
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