where to order prints/books

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Deleted user Deleted user Post 1 of 4
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Hey there...

I have a urgent need of hardcopys from my pics. As I havent printed them for a while, I have about 200pics to do...

Therefore I would need information about online printing services in the US! Can anybody provide me with some hints about quality printing services?

In addition I was thinking about printing a little book with some of my pics. Same question here... does anybody know which supplier will provide a proper quality?!

Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 2 of 4
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I have used
and find the results very good
Kim Walker Kim Walker Post 3 of 4
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Hi Hanno,
I just had a photo book made through blurb.com. I was a little skeptical at first, since the cost was soooooo economical compared to other press print books out there. But I was highly impressed with the print quality!! (And my husband, a professional photographer, fell to the floor in humbled shock.) It looks professional and could be easily be compared to those in bookstores. And cost..you can publish your 200 pages in a hardback book for $56!

However, make sure to size your photos to the exact measurements of the templates before you upload them (just hover your mouse over each template frame as they all differ).

To see a few pages of my book you can hit the book preview button on this link: www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/297483
Robert Riley Robert Riley Post 4 of 4
0 x Thank You
Blurb is Good!



Post Edited (12:11h)
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