Real signature vs digital signature

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Marco Jimenez Marco Jimenez Post 1 of 4
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wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone that not only posts here but in the forums, i just joined up and before i post my first picture, i would love to sign it, but my Signature isn't great, i was wondering people's thoughts.....

Real signature vs program based signature (with different fonts and what have you)

Also, anyone know of a good place that can create such signatures?

Thanks for reading

-Mr. Jimenez
Marco Jimenez Marco Jimenez Post 2 of 4
1 x Thank You
decided to do a digital signature, even found a website, but even the biggest size isn't big enough for the picture, it's tiny. if i enlarge it, it gets all pix elated. Any tips?
johnjonson121 johnjonson121 Post 3 of 4
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Yes for this you can use this site. to electronic sign your documnets. easily and fast. by the help of this you easliy sign your documnets from your different partners and customers. on a single site. just enter the email id's of that person from which you sign the documnets.
ankefyamj ankefyamj Post 4 of 4
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decided to do a digital signature, even found a website, but even the biggest size isn't big enough for the picture, it's tiny. if i enlarge it, it gets all pix elated. Any tips?
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