Looking for suppliers of FINE ART papers for digital ink jet

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When When Post 1 of 3
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Does anyone know if there are suppliers of fine art papers or handmade papers for ink jet printers? I used to enjoy sensitizing my own papers for the darkroom. Now that I have a fairly decent ink jet printer I want to try to get that same feel and look. Anyone have experience with this? How about canvas and silk? Maybe I'm asking too much in the new digital age.
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 2 of 3
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I can definitely recommend MOAB papers which i use myself for fineprinting.
Made in the US http://www.moabpaper.com/

You can order from there and they have a good customerservice in case of questions/problems.

Post Edited (12:10h)
When When Post 3 of 3
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Someone else recommended them to me too Ruud. Hear they make a great selection of media. I was also sent a very long list of papers that fit my new printer. AMAZING!! Paper (or whatever media you print on) is such a big part of the experience of photography.

What I really am looking for is paper that has irregularities, dimples, texture, feathering on the edges and hopefully variations of thickness. Basically would like to find paper deckled on all sides. I can make my own paper if I have to, got lots of paper to make pulp and tons of laundry lint that would do nicely, don't really want to though. Very messy and time consuming. I'm hoping to find someone that maybe is making acid free archival level hand pressed pulp paper that is maybe compatible with the printer. I am hoping for different colors with irregular grain that I can tear and collage. For somewhat of an idea of what I am going for you can see Ernestine Ruben's American Landscapes in Platinum http://www.ernestineruben.com/Portfolio ... ?GP=5&IM=1

I found a company that carries Japanese paper, but a bit fussier than I want. Found some great papyrus, would love to find some true vellum too. Would be tickled to death if I found some onion skin. I want to do some transparent and layering. More artsy fartsy multi media and historical than straight photographic prints. I still need the good quality print paper for the regular stuff too.
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